Sunday, April 22, 2012


Wikipedia - 
MesotheliomaThe brave construction workers and remodelers of our country are usually the ones targeted by this terrible, albeit rare form of cancer. Lining the walls of their organs like some sick new god within, eating away at their very will to live. Right up there with most lung cancers, it's not a pretty way to go. But did you know that it's basically a gold industry online? Yeah, we're talking billions of dollars funneled into advertising for this sort of long-term income source. Health Insurance companies and Lawyers alike have scouts raiding the american wastelands looking for potential sources of life-blood to siphon away. Make no mistake, dear readers, this cancer is dubious. Check out my man's website, where he breaks down how this despicable, though not directly so, industry works in at least some detail.

For some really good advice on how to deal with Mesothelioma,